Pawfecta Policies

The terms on this page cover the use of this website, our privacy efforts and terms and conditions of sale. If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

Shipping & Returns

All orders taken via this website are shipped from our UK office within 2 working days on a Royal Mail tracked  24/48 service. This means that you will typically receive the order within 1-3 working days of placing an order.

We are happy to return any faulty items. Please use the contact form to get in contact. Snuffle mats can only be returned if faulty. Due to our business selling different proteins. We cannot allow refunds if any food items have been touched unless there is a fault with item.

See our full terms and conditions below for more details about our Delivery and Returns policies.

Terms & Conditions of Sale

1. About Us
Pawfecta Ltd
Trading address:
Pawfecta Ltd 71-75 Shelton Street Covent Garden, London WC2H 9JQ
T: 01452 345333

2.1 When you place an order with us, you are making an offer to buy goods. We will send you an e-mail to confirm that we have received your order.

2. Make a contract with us

2.2 In the unlikely event that the goods are no longer available, or that wehave made a pricing mistake, we will advise you of this in writing via email within 5 days, and there will be no contract between us.
2.2 In the unlikely event that the goods are no longer available, or that wehave made a pricing mistake, we will advise you of this in writing via emailwithin 5 days, and there will be no contract between us.
2.3 Images of products on this website are for illustrative purposes only. Yourgoods may vary slightly from the image shown on the website and will onlyinclude any pictured accessories if clearly stated in the specification of thegoods.
2.4 We have made every effort to display as accurately as possible the coloursof our products that appear on this website. However, we cannot guarantee thatyour monitor's display of any colour will accurately reflect the colour of theactual goods.
2.5 Whilst we try to be as accurate as possible, all information provided isapproximate and is provided in good faith.
2.6 This contract is covered by English law.
2.7 By placing an order with us, you agree to and accept these terms, as wellas our privacy policy and the terms of website use.

3. How to place order
3.1 You can use our website to place an order by selecting the product you wishto buy and adding it to your basket. Items you do not require can be removedfrom your basket at any time. Trade orders can be placed by contacting ourtrade team on 01452 345333 3.2 If purchasing a quote, the buyer accepts full responsibility forchecking the accuracy of that quote.
3.3 The buyer assumes responsibility for the goods being suitable for thepurpose for which they are being purchased.
3.4 Carriage charges will be shown prior to you placing your order.
3.5 You will be required to pay for the goods in full at the time of ordering.
3.6 We use secure payment facilities for online purchases. This includespayments from most card providers.
3.7 Promotional prices only apply during the period stated.
3.8 All prices quoted on our website are in UK pounds and include Value AddedTax at the current rate.
3.9 Once your order has been confirmed, changes may not be possible or mayincur additional charges or delays.
3.10 Once your order is complete we will notify you of the dispatch date.
3.11 Only voucher codes obtained from a verifiable Pawfecta source will behonoured. Any vouchers or codes that are over 6 months old can be consideredexpired and may not be accepted.

4. Delivery & Carriage Charges
4.1 Goods will be dispatched from our UK warehouse within 1-20 working days andany estimated dispatch date is an estimate, which can change without notice.Dispatch may be delayed in accordance with point 4.13.
4.2 We will deliver goods within 2-3 working days of dispatch. Deliveries maybe delayed in accordance with point 4.13.
4.3 Your order may arrive in more than one delivery.
4.4 We can deliver our products anywhere in mainland Great Britain and Republicof Ireland. Delivery to other locations is judged on a case by case basis. Weare able to deliver to a mainland courier company on your behalf for onwardshipping.
4.5 We will deliver the goods to the premises you specify on your order. Singleitems will often fit through a letter box. If you have ordered multiple items,you must be at home to accept delivery of your order, which is between 7:30amand 6:00pm Monday-Friday.
4.6 At our discretion, free delivery may be available on single orders wherethe goods cost reaches or exceeds a pre-agreed limit. We reserve the right towithdraw or amend any offer of free delivery at any time.
4.7 Disposal of packing materials is your responsibility.
4.8 If there is no one to accept the order on the scheduled delivery date thegoods may be returned to us and we reserve the right to charge you anadditional re-delivery charge.
4.9 If you change the delivery address once the goods have been dispatched toyou, we reserve the right to pass on any extra charges made by our carriers forredirecting your delivery, if the carriers are able to make the change. Thismay delay your delivery.
4.10 Please check the goods on delivery - any goods found to be missing ordamaged should be notified to the delivery driver at the time of delivery orourselves within two working days of delivery of the items.
4.11 If the goods are lost or damaged please report this to us within twoworking days from the delivery day.
4.12 Deliveries are made to a ground floor entrance only and on the conditionthat there is reasonable access for the safe and prompt delivery of the goods.
4.13 Sometimes, for reasons beyond our control we may be prevented fromdelivering your goods as planned. These might include things such as accidents,breakdowns, fire, flood, storm, severe weather, acts of god, war, riot, civilcommotion, malicious damage or the default of our suppliers. We are notresponsible where this causes a delay or failure in delivering your goods.
4.14 Time is not the essence of the contract unless expressly stated otherwisein writing by a Director of the Company.

5. Cancellation and returns
5.1 This policy does not apply to goods ordered by businesses which are exemptfrom the Distance Selling Regulations, or the following goods which are exemptfrom the right to cancel. Any items which have been custom made, such asproducts featuring custom designs or made to order, colours/styles outside ofthe options listed on our website, or any product which you have asked us toprovide on a bespoke basis. For Trade and Business customers, please seesection 8 . Snuffle Mats : Due to the nature of this product, we cannot acceptreturn of opened/used items, unless a manufacturer fault.
5.2 You can cancel your contract at any time up to 14 days after the day ofdelivery. To do this, please e-mail We are unable toaccept cancellations by phone. Please refer to point 5.1 for items exempt fromthis term.
5.3 You do not have to give any reason for cancellation. However, a briefexplanation will help us to improve the service we offer to customers in thefuture.
5.4 If you cancel, you must return the unopened and unused goods within 14 daysof cancellation, complete with the original packaging to us and/or our supplier(or any other UK address specified by us), at your own expense. You must ensurethat the goods are packaged adequately to protect against damage.
5.5 You may properly examine the goods for 14 days, however you may not returnany goods that have been used unless you can provide evidence that they arefaulty. For exempt goods please see point 5.1.
5.6 If you fail to return the goods within 14 days of the cancellation date, wereserve the right to withdraw from order cancellation and refund. If you failto take reasonable care of the goods before they are returned to us, and thisresults in damage or deterioration, we will charge you for the reduction invalue.
5.7 We will refund all monies paid to us by you including any postage /carriage within 30 days, less any costs due under this contract. Please seepoint 5.1 for exemptions.
5.8 We reserve the right not to replace any item that has been used orpackaging has been opened, as we will deem this acceptance of the goods.
5.9 We will not be held liable for claims made against product performance oreffectiveness. This includes improper use of the product by the buyer oreffectiveness of the product whilst in use.
5.10 We are not liable for any loss of earnings or resulting health issues dueto late, incorrect or lost deliveries.
5.11 We reserve the right to refuse replacements on any damaged items reportedto us outside of two working days. Please refer to points: 4.10 and 4.11.Thiscancellation policy does not affect your legal rights - for example, if goodsare faulty or misdescribed.

6. Faulty Goods / Guarantee
6.1 If there is a problem with the goods, please notify us by email providingdetails of the problem. In addition, you must provide us with a digitalphotograph of the problem. We will deal with the matter in accordance with yourlegal rights. Please see points 4.10 and 4.11 for time restrictions.
6.2 All goods are covered by a manufacturer’s warranty against faultyworkmanship and materials, subject to the terms and conditions of thatwarranty.
6.3 The manufacturer’s warranty is provided in addition to the rights that thelaw says you have as a consumer and accordingly, your statutory rights are notaffected.
6.4 If an exchange is necessary, this will be arranged without unreasonabledelay and without charge. Replacement goods will not be dispatched until eithera indicative digital image is supplied by the customer, or the original goodshave been received at our warehouse and checked. The cost of returning goods tous is your responsibility, however on inspection we will refund your reasonablepostage costs, providing that the goods are found to be faulty. If the goodsare not faulty, we will return them to you, however you will be required tocover our reasonable postage costs.
6.5 We are unable to guarantee and exact colour match due to the nature of theproduct.
6.6 Where recommended by us in writing, products should be used in accordancewith our instructions, failure to do so may void any warranty.
6.7 If an item is no longer available we will offer an alternative. However,our liability will be to replace faulty goods only and we are unable toguarantee an exact match. In this instance, you will have the option of arefund on the items under the claim.
6.8 Where we replace faulty goods you are responsible for their disposal ifthey have not previously been returned to us.
6.9 The liability of the Seller is governed by relevant applicable law asamended. If not stated otherwise, the Seller provides quality warranty for thegoods until an expiration date displayed on the packaging.
6.10 The Buyer must duly inspect the delivered goods and inform the Sellerwithout undue delay about any discovered defects. A later claim about the kind,number or damage to the goods during shipping will not possibly be taken intoconsideration. The Buyer also confirms with his/her signature that the goodswere delivered in good order. If the goods are damaged, the Buyer can refuse toaccept the delivery.
6.11 If the goods do not correspond to the goods under the Agreement after theBuyer has accepted the delivery of such goods, the Buyer has the right to thefollowing: the Buyer must without undue delay and free of charge return thegoods to the conditions stated in a purchase agreement and that must be made bydelivering new goods; if such steps are not possible, the Buyer may require afair discount on the purchase price.
6.12 If the Buyer is a consumer, his/her rights from defective performance arepursuant to the applicable legal rights and provisions, and his/her rights areas follows: if defective performance constitutes material breach of theAgreement, the Buyer – consumer has the right a) to request new defect-freegoods or missing goods, b) to a repair of the goods, c) to a fair discount onthe purchase price, d) to withdraw from the Agreement. The Buyer – consumerinforms the Seller which one of the aforementioned rights s/he wishes toexercise at the time of informing the Seller about the defect or without unduedelay after informing him about the defects. If the Buyer does not choosehis/her right to exercise within the specified time, his/her rights are as inthe case of non-material breach of the Agreement. In case of non-materialbreach, the Buyer has the right to require a repair of the defect or to a fairdiscount on the purchase price. Other legal claims of the Buyer – consumer inthe case of defective performance are governed by applicable English law.
6.13 Notwithstanding legal exceptions, the Buyer cannot withdraw from theAgreement or request delivery of new goods if he cannot return the goods in thesame condition in which the goods were delivered.
6.14 The Seller reserves the right to withdraw from the Agreement with such aBuyer whose warranty claims are not adequate or whose purchase activity showsspeculative nature.
6.15 Whilst our products are independently tested, we cannot reasonably acceptliability for the effectiveness of our products when in use. Once purchased,the Buyer accepts all liability for the proper use and effectiveness of ourproducts.
6.16 A claim form is available upon request to

7. Liability
7.1 The products sold on this website have been designed to comply with allrelevant UK and EU legislation. We cannot warrant or represent that they complywith any legal requirement outside of these regions.
7.2 We do not accept liability for any consequential loss of profit or indirectlosses. You should therefore not use any goods until you have received them andinspected them.7.3 With food items, we requested that you are always present when feedingthem and fresh drinking water is always provided.  We will not be held responsible for your dogeating any items incorrectly or being unsupervised.

8. Trade or Business Customers
The following conditions apply to orders placed by Trade or Business Customers.
8.1 Orders may not be cancelled except with our mutual agreement and havingbeen confirmed in writing by a Director of our company. We reserve the right tomake cancellation and/or re-stocking charges.
8.2 Claims for missing or damaged items must be made in writing within 2working days of delivery.
8.3 If purchasing a quote, the buyer accepts full responsibility for checkingthe accuracy of that quote.
8.4 The buyer assumes responsibility for the goods being suitable for thepurpose for which they are purchased. 

Website Terms of Use

 Website Disclaimer

1. Use of Website
This disclaimer details our obligations to you regarding our website. This disclaimer has been provided and approved by legal council. Please read this disclaimer in full before you use this Website. Using the Website implies that you accept the terms of this disclaimer. We do occasionally update this disclaimer so please refer back to it in the future.

1.1 You are permitted to use our website for your own purposes and to print and download material from this Website provided that you do not modify any content without our consent. Any and all material on this website must not be republished online or offline without our permission.

1.2 The copyright and other intellectual property rights in all material on this Website are owned by us or our licensors and must not be reproducedwithout our prior consent.

1.3 Subject to paragraph 1.1, no part of this Website may be reproduced withoutour prior written permission. This includes use of images or any text content.

2. Visitor Conduct

2.1 With the exception of personally identifiable information, the use of whichis covered under our Privacy Policy, any material you send or post to thisWebsite shall be considered non-proprietary and not confidential. Unless youadvise to the contrary we will be free to copy, disclose, distribute,incorporate and otherwise use such material for any and all purposes.

2.2 When using this website you shall not post or send to or from this Websiteany material for which you have not obtained all necessary consents, isdiscriminatory, obscene, pornographic, defamatory, liable to incite racialhatred, in breach of confidentiality or privacy, which may cause annoyance orinconvenience to others, which encourages or constitutes conduct that would bedeemed a criminal offence, give rise to a civil liability, or otherwise iscontrary to the law in the United Kingdom.

3. Site Uptime

3.1 We take all reasonable steps to ensure that this Website is available 24hours every day, 365 days per year. However, websites do sometimes encounterdowntime due to server and, other technical issues. Therefore we will not beliable if this website is unavailable at any time.

4. Links to and From other websites

4.1 Any links to third party websites located on this Website are provided foryour convenience only. We have not reviewed each third party website and haveno responsibility for such third party websites or their content.

4.2 If you would like to link to this Website, you may only do so on the basisthat you link to, but do not replicate, any page on this Website and you do notin any way imply that we are endorsing any services or products unless this hasbeen specifically agreed with us.

4.3 If you choose to link to our website in breach of Paragraph 4.2 you shallfully indemnify us for any loss or damage suffered as a result of your actions.This clause includes a chargeable fee of £300 per hour for any time reasonablyspent investigating and resolving your activity.

5. Exclusion of Liability

5.1 We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information on this Websiteis correct. However, we do not guarantee the correctness or completeness ofmaterial on this Website. Neither we nor any other party (whether or notinvolved in producing, maintaining or delivering this Website), shall be liableor responsible for any kind of loss or damage that may result to you or a thirdparty as a result of your or their use of our website. This exclusion shallinclude servicing or repair costs and, without limitation, any other direct,indirect or consequential loss.

6. Law and Jurisdiction

6.1 This Legal Notice shall be governed by and construed in accordance withEnglish law. Any dispute(s) arising in connection with this Legal Notice aresubject to the exclusive jurisdiction of England and Wales.

Privacy Policy

We analyse traffic to this website to help us improve bothwhat we do as a business and the site itself – we want your experience of thesite to run as smoothly as possible. Rest assured, we only collect anonymous,aggregate statistics – nothing that could identify anyone personally.

We comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and we don’t sellor pass your details on to anyone else for marketing purposes. The only thirdparties who receive your contact information are our suppliers and theircouriers for the sole purpose of fulfilling your order.

We do not use your details for marketing purposes without your express consent,and you can unsubscribe from our emails at any point using the link in theemail. If you object to us using your data in any capacity, please contact us.


We use cookies to improve your ordering experience. Cookies are tiny text filesdownloaded on to your computer, tablet or smartphone when you visit a website.They enable you to use certain features of the site, like saving items in yourbasket for checkout or returning to them later. There are various types ofcookies, and you can see which ones we use in our Cookie Policy listed on thiswebsite. Cookies only give us access to information you provide, and you canrestrict or disable cookies through your internet browser.

Payment Security

All transactions are processed securely by our merchant service providerStripe. Your credit card number will be encrypted when your order is placedusing SSL encryption software. Our merchant provider then informs us of theoutcome of that transaction via the encryption system. We do not hold or haveaccess to your full card details. We do not store any credit or debit carddetails after your order has been placed.

Right of access request

If you would like a copy of the personal data that we have for you, pleaseemail  We will provide this information free ofcharge within one month of receiving your request.

Right of erasure request

You have the right to have all the personal data that we have for you erased.Please bear in mind that this will remove you from our mailing lists andcustomer database completely – so if products you have bought from us are stillwithin their warranty period, having your data erased may make it harder toaddress any future issues.

If you would like to have your data erased, please contact Cookie PolicyList of cookies

Here you’ll find a list of the cookies we use, what they do and how you canmanage them. Cookies are small text files downloaded on to your computer,tablet or smartphone when you visit our website – or any site, in fact – thathelp sites monitor things like traffic, and help you do things like save itemsin your cart and return to them later.

All cookies can be managed through your internet browser, but bear in mind thatif you reject essential cookies, you may be unable to access certain featureson the website or make a purchase.

Essential cookies

These are necessary for the site to work. Without them, you may not be able tomove around the site smoothly.Preference Cookies: We use cookies to track thenumber of items in your cart which enables you to use our checkout system.

Google Analytics

These cookies collect anonymous information about how people use the site – themost-visited pages, time spent on different pages, site traffic levels,approximate location of site visitors. This information helps us improve boththe business and the usability of the site itself.

The information is anonymised and we do not share it with any third party. Ifyou have a Do Not Track setting enabled, we will assume you don't want to allowthese cookies and we will block them.

Marketing Cookies

Google Adwords

Google Adwords cookies help us see how many people come to us through ourGoogle Ads, and also help us to show targeted adverts to people who havepreviously visited our site. These cookies cannot personally identifyindividuals, and can be disabled through your browser.

Still have questions?

Get in touch via our contact us page.